It’s been a super long time coming, but a new episode of FEVER is finally available!

I had to take a few months off due to illness, travelling, seasonal holidays and some technological setbacks – but it feels great to be back doing regular shows again.

Having that said, I want to apologise in advance if the levels are a bit shit at times! I recorded this show with a new set-up at home with vinyl only and I’m still trying to get my head around how to use a Mac/Garage Band/my new soundcard & mixer plus talking into the mic with my speakers on without creating too much feedback…

Don’t worry, I will get there eventually, but it explains why it sounds like Im whispering in certain parts of the show haha.

Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to tune in, for all the support you’re giving me and for patiently waiting for this new show to become available.

I really hope you like it!

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