Before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! Love you!

Okay, so in 12 hours I will be sitting and doing my exam. Hm… So I should technically be in bed dreaming away. But Im not tired. Instead Im sitting in the kitchen listening to Mindys Pussycat Lounge mixtape and dancing in my head. Silly little contracts. Why can I only memorise stupid things and not important things? Like, I can remember what table number I was sitting at the first time I met Camilla (table 25), but I cant seem to memorise more than 3 legal terms. Gaaah! It is very frustrating. It is also VERY frustrating only having 36 pence in my wallet and no credit on my phone. Daddy came home today and my parents called me but I missed their call and I cant call them back. Plus the messages kitten has been writing me. Oh well, at least I did a good deed today and hopefully Lee gets the job at the pub (fingers crossed! Hes smokin’ hot hehe) Anyway, time to go back and re-read 5 contracts before I hit the sack. Im sure Ill be updating as soon as I get bored again.

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