Tag: Radio Show

Orsii takes over Jazzman Records radio show on NTS

[iframe src=”http://www.mixcloud.com/widget/iframe/?feed=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mixcloud.com%2FJazzman_Records%2Fjazzman-radio-on-nts-150313-the-orsii-takeover%2F&embed_uuid=6a799912-e65f-4a71-936f-32072ae6c1ce&stylecolor=e34591&embed_type=widget_standard” width=”100%” height=”580″] I’m sorry I’ve been a bit bad with the updates as of late – that’s what happens when you end up with no internet at home for two weeks! Anyway, if you missed it a couple of weeks back, here is the Jazzman Records radio show I did on NTS Radio, […]