DOWNLOAD: Orsii's Birthday Mix by CubikMusik


I have the pleasure to announce that my good friend over at CubikMusik , who I have gotten to know over Twitter, has made me a very special birthday mix! We set up a challenge when we realised our birthdays were 3 days apart. He was meant to make me a birthday mix with songs from 74-09 (a song for each year he has been alive) and I was meant to make him a birthday mix with 35 songs (the age he turned). I am completely overwhelmed by this incredible gift and I cant encourage you enough to download it.

My mix for him will be available to download on Sunday here on the blog (as my internet connection is being a bit slow). So until then, head over to CubikMusik, read the kind words he had to say about me, AND DOWNLOAD MY BIRTHDAY MIX!

Much love! x

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